Here is the dish for “Cooking Is Child’s Play” in “Women’s Web”
I had no idea about this contest, till the time, Odyssey sent me an offline chat providing the links of the contest. Like any human being, I resist registering my entry for it and gave zillion excuses to convince Odyssey and me (such as, I don’t have kids, I don’t have my recipe’s images, what recipe should I write into it, etc. etc.). I am not a proclaimed food blogger, not someone who posts recipes in the blog or a world-class chef. I am just amateur cook, who loves to try different recipes and provides help to her friends to decide what to cook and how. As Odyssey knows me well, she went offline, leaving me to think about the contest.
Then, I thought, why not give it a shot. What if, I don’t have the images to support my recipe, what if I don’t have my own kids, however, I do have a recipe in my mind, which I prepared for my cousins on a lazy evening way back in 2010. Cutting short the story behind this recipe, I prepared it to take revenge from my little- sweet-cranky brothers and sisters, whom I had to manage for full one day as maa-paa and mausi-mausaji were out. I let them eat my favorite vegetable sandwich that I adored a lot and they seriously hated it initially. I don’t remember anything that happened after that except the look on their faces, when they had its first bite and our bond increased by the passage of time.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes (I took that much time, because I had to manage their TV fights in between too)
Cooking Time: 6-7 minutes.
Serves: 5...
Serves: 5...
Required Ingredients:
· One full loath of HARVEST Gold Brown Bread. (You never know with KIDS)
· 7 Cubes of Amul Processed Cheese Cubes.(I cannot think beyond AMUL and rest, its readily available at home), grated
· 2 Medium-sized Onion, chopped fine
· 2 Medium-sized Tomato, deseeded and cut into small pieces
· 2 Medium-sized Capsicum, deseeded and cut into small pieces
· One cup of Frozen Corns (Wash them properly and boil them in 4 cups of water with little bit of salt, stain the extra water and keep them aside)
· 1 Orange Carrot, peeled and chopped fine (In Summers, we get only this carrot)
· Melted Amul Butter
· Salt
· Black Pepper
· Oregano (I used those extra ones, which are served with Dominos’ Pizza)
Note: One of the kids helped me in taking out vegetables from the fridge, one helped in washing them and I did the chopping and cutting, as they were too young to hold the knife.
- Drag one of the kids from the living room and tell him to take a bowl from the lower shelf. Let him clean the bowl, pour and mix the grated cheese, onion, tomato, capsicum, frozen corns, carrot, pepper and oregano with a fork. Let him go and watch “Chota Bheem”.
- Take a spoon-full of this mixture to taste the salt. (Cheese has salt in it, so you need to taste it first before adding more salt to it).
- Call one of the eldest & your favorite kids in the kitchen, and tell her to open the bread packet for you, till the time, you busy mixing the mixture for the last time.
- Take two bread slices. Put the mixture on one of the bread slice and spread it nicely. All the mixture that is not able to adjust on the bread, gather the mixture and let your cousin taste it to certify it’s nice. Smile. Cover the mixture with bread, just like a sandwich.
- Till the time, you are preparing all the sandwiches. Tell your cousin to clean the sandwich maker by a cotton cloth. Plug-in the sandwich maker and pre-heat it.
- Spread little-bit of butter on both sides of sandwich. Take a Wooden-spatula and with the help of it, place the sandwich in the sandwich maker
- Wait impatiently for the red light to turn green. The moment, the light turned green. Call the name of the kid. Take out the sandwich; serve it on a plate with a small portion of Maggie Ketchup. (The younger one loves Ketchup. Even if, I am serving my favorite recipe, they still howl for sauce. :P)
- And, then wait for the Kids to wash their hands first (suddenly turning hygienic to check my patience level) and witness the BLISS on their faces, saying Richa Didi, sach main apne banaya hai?
P.S. - This is very unusual from Not-so-super-Obese end, pasting recipe, which has cheese and butter in it. Exempt this blog from my WEIGHT-LOSS series.