Friday, December 9, 2011

Unsynchronized Thoughts, $#!+, and Crap…

Its been quite a while since I blogged, literally, 4 months. It wasn’t like I am keeping myself busy, or I have loads of work to do, or I have my weight loss regime. (Hope, u dint forget the main motive of this blog), I am still able to follow the pursuit. I am still trying (all my AOL friends, can you please neglect this term) to lose those extra kilos. ;)

That’s again not the point of this blog. 2011 is coming to end soon, technically, in 20 days. I didn’t want to bid usual adieu to 2011. The year, just passing by, was a very action-packed year. Ha ha ha!! Not really.

Neither, I want to write about the year gone by, nor I wanted to tell you about any vacation spot, I just visited.  FYI! I didn’t take any visit to any holiday spot in years now. No, no, I am not old enough for the excitement and thrill comes with the tour. However, half of the time, I am money deprived.

You know, not writing your blog regularly, leaves you with one thing, rather, one thought. What should you write about? Seriously, there are zillions of happening-and-not-so-happening events happen on a daily basis, that you lose count. Anyways, who wants to count them? I don’t.

Damn! I am turning into such a dreary person, or maybe I am turning into an “A” class bitch, who ill-speaks about her flat mates? Who is never happy? Who gets pissed off with everyone very easily? Who fights with her best friends every now and then? Who judges every human being possible on this earth? Naah!!! I dishonor all the allegations and those heads, which are nodding on most of the points stated above.

You know, what is the bestest thing happened this year. I came back to Sadhana, Satsang and Seva – The 3 “S” of The ART OF LIVING. I feel more close to SRI SRI now. 

My birthday came and went with bag full of memories. Few made it damn special and made me experience, OUT OF THE WORLD feeling. Sheer Bliss!!

 I watched Rockstar and The DIRTY Picture in office. My office pays me for watching movies and writing blogs in office. I know downloading is piracy and all that. I didn’t do it, somebody else did it. Don’t put unnecessary blame on me. I won’t say it was great.  A lot have been said and wrote about the movies. I am no one to comment about them. Undoubtedly, a big-round of applause for Ranbir Kapoor and Vidya Balan. Brilliant is the word for your performances. Both the movies has dreadful ending, and I am a person, who watches movies for ENTERTAINMENT and a HAPPY ENDING. Both of them failed to make me smile and left with a Phew!! Moment rather, they left me with, WTF!! Seriously.  I personally feel a lot could have been done.

I am still trying to re-discover this species, Men, actually, HIM. I still don’t understand HIM. I am also guilty of letting him affect me way too much. I will NEVER improve. It’s utter gibberish, if you expect me to.
I still don’t understand “Why this Kolaveri Di?”, though a very close friend did send me the message, telling me the meaning of every Tamil word used in the song. I cannot sing it properly. (FYI, I have a good voice).  I don’t know what makes this song so famous? May be the catchy lyrics, correct rhythm, or is it because; Dhanush is THE RAJNIKANT’s son-in-law. Hey! Have you noticed, even MS-word, didn’t give spell error check under RAJNIKANT, if written in all CAPS.  

Facebook has turned out to be an addiction. I literally kill hours on it. I still don’t know, what is there in FACEBOOK, which makes it so addictive? Do we really want to know, what is happening with other person’s life? When we LIKE the statuses, or write LOLz on the most of the comments, do we really like them or feel like commenting on them? Or, is it mere social obligation to do it? Why we don’t have every friend’s contact number saved on our phonebook, if it is very important to talk to them at wee hours? Why do we write messages tagging other person, stating, phone utha on their FB walls? That means, no matter what, you will be up on Facebook, neglecting the PHONE? Seriously.  Nobody knows the answer to all my questions and no one wants to know either.

I am SEARCHING for a JOB. My present JOB sucks!! Big time. I am UNDER-UTILIZED! I really think, I am a good resource for the company, if they know how to take WORK outta me. Lolzz! 

And yes! Weight loss regime is still on, with no weight reduction as such. With this pace, I doubt, it gonna take decades. :P :P May be, I will motivate myself and will lose some more before the next post. With that note, this Hardly-Working Stupendous, puts a full-stop on these Unsynchronized Thoughts, $#!+ and Crap.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Befooling Kids - Brown-bread Vegetable Sandwich

Here is the dish for “Cooking Is Child’s Play” in “Women’s Web” 
I had no idea about this contest, till the time, Odyssey sent me an offline chat providing the links of the contest. Like any human being, I resist registering my entry for it and gave zillion excuses to convince Odyssey and me (such as, I don’t have kids, I don’t have my recipe’s images, what recipe should I write into it, etc. etc.). I am not a proclaimed food blogger, not someone who posts recipes in the blog or a world-class chef. I am just amateur cook, who loves to try different recipes and provides help to her friends to decide what to cook and how. As Odyssey knows me well, she went offline, leaving me to think about the contest. 

Then, I thought, why not give it a shot. What if, I don’t have the images to support my recipe, what if I don’t have my own kids, however, I do have a recipe in my mind, which I prepared for my cousins on a lazy evening way back in 2010. Cutting short the story behind this recipe, I prepared it to take revenge from my little- sweet-cranky brothers and sisters, whom I had to manage for full one day as maa-paa and mausi-mausaji were out. I let them eat my favorite vegetable sandwich that I adored a lot and they seriously hated it initially. I don’t remember anything that happened after that except the look on their faces, when they had its first bite and our bond increased by the passage of time.

Befooling Kids - Brown-bread Vegetable Sandwich 

Preparation Time: 15 minutes (I took that much time, because I had to manage their TV fights in between too) 
Cooking Time: 6-7 minutes.
Serves: 5...

Required Ingredients:

·         One full loath of HARVEST Gold Brown Bread. (You never know with KIDS)
·         7 Cubes of Amul Processed Cheese Cubes.(I cannot think beyond AMUL and rest, its readily available at home), grated
·         2 Medium-sized Onion, chopped fine
·         2 Medium-sized Tomato, deseeded and cut into small pieces
·         2 Medium-sized Capsicum, deseeded and cut into small pieces
·         One cup of Frozen Corns (Wash them properly and boil them in 4 cups of water with little bit of salt, stain the extra water and keep them aside)
·         1 Orange Carrot, peeled and chopped fine (In Summers, we get only this carrot)
·         Melted Amul Butter
·         Salt
·         Black Pepper
·         Oregano (I used those extra ones, which are served with Dominos’ Pizza)

Note: One of the kids helped me in taking out vegetables from the fridge, one helped in washing them and I did the chopping and cutting, as they were too young to hold the knife.

-      Drag one of the kids from the living room and tell him to take a bowl from the lower shelf. Let him clean the bowl, pour and mix the grated cheese, onion, tomato, capsicum, frozen corns, carrot, pepper and oregano with a fork. Let him go and watch “Chota Bheem”.

-      Take a spoon-full of this mixture to taste the salt. (Cheese has salt in it, so you need to taste it first before adding more salt to it).

-      Call one of the eldest & your favorite kids in the kitchen, and tell her to open the bread packet for you, till the time, you busy mixing the mixture for the last time.

-      Take two bread slices. Put the mixture on one of the bread slice and spread it nicely. All the mixture that is not able to adjust on the bread, gather the mixture and let your cousin taste it to certify it’s nice. Smile. Cover the mixture with bread, just like a sandwich.

-      Till the time, you are preparing all the sandwiches. Tell your cousin to clean the sandwich maker by a cotton cloth. Plug-in the sandwich maker and pre-heat it.

-      Spread little-bit of butter on both sides of sandwich. Take a Wooden-spatula and with the help of it, place the sandwich in the sandwich maker

-      Wait impatiently for the red light to turn green. The moment, the light turned green. Call the name of the kid. Take out the sandwich; serve it on a plate with a small portion of Maggie Ketchup. (The younger one loves Ketchup. Even if, I am serving my favorite recipe, they still howl for sauce. :P)

-      And, then wait for the Kids to wash their hands first (suddenly turning hygienic to check my patience level) and witness the BLISS on their faces, saying Richa Didi, sach main apne banaya hai?

P.S. - This is very unusual from Not-so-super-Obese end, pasting recipe, which has cheese and butter in it. Exempt this blog from my WEIGHT-LOSS series.

Monday, July 18, 2011

An Inch Loss


Before Script: As I promised in "The Prologue" that my first post will be the already-written "An Inch Loss". Here, I am posting it again as it makes lot of sense here. Please don't have any chauvinism against the blog. Like I said, I will tell you the real reasons of my weight loss regime. And, I will not deny from the fact that "getting married" in on my cards too. Is there any problem, if I consider it as an option or a mind-set to lose weight. 

Drool over the post:

After 25 years of my existence, I realized the importance of looks in a person’s life. Why I am saying so? Answer to this, you can expect later in the post. Never mind, that’s not the point here. At this point, the most important thing in my life is to reduce extra flab, weight, inches, and what not from my own body.  FYI, medically spoken, I am OBESE. Obese is someone whose, BMI (body mass index) is not in proportion with person’s height and weight. 

So, the dudette like me, who has a considerable height of 5’4”, should have an approximate weight around 54-58 kgs minus the tummy, actually, with no tummy. Now, I won’t be revealing my real weight here. Ummmmmm!!!…….. I will not give you an opportunity to make fun of me, to show extra concern and also to exhibit your ideas and secrets for losing weight. I am sorry, I carry, I KNOW IT ALL Attitude.  I don’t have any problem with my looks, fatness and out of shape figure. I am worried about my parents’ needless worry. I understood the reason of my parents’ anxiety; however, I failed to understand the apprehension of total strangers regarding my weight. Strangers can range from Auto driver, bus conductor, shop keeper, sweet shop vendor, clothes merchant to new office acquaintance etc. etc. Please guys! Give me a break. Two words for you BUZZ OFF!! 
(Oh! BTW, the new office acquaintance had turned into a good friend.)

Out of those zillion reasons, my parents are worried about, the two main are, my MARRIAGE and Future unseen health ailments, such as, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties during sleep, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis, and few more. (Please note these medical conditions are copied from Wikipedia.)

I dint know about all these, unless, I typed OBESITY in Google and Wikipedia showed me these results. Gosh!!! Had I known this earlier, I wouldn’t have thought to gain weight. Alas! That's not the case with me. See, the ultimate destination of a human being is death. And all these diseases will not do any good to this harsh fact of life. You have to die one day, provided with disease or without any. Undoubtedly, they do make the process dreadful, but, who cares, I, certainly not. So, it’s MARRIAGE. Right! Bingo! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am totally ready, it’s the right time, right age, right medical conditions, n blah blah for marriage. So, no more questions stating, have you decided? types. Yes, I am all set to see the second innings of my life. ;) 

Gotcha! That’s why, I am talking about looks. Like every other girl, I too share a dream, where I want to look like a Princess on my wedding day. I seriously hate those, who pass comments like, Inni Moti bahu!, ladka or ladki ka koi mel nahin hai, 10 number lag rahe hai and all that.  

Don’t think that my super obese body will be turning into teeny weeny skinny hot lass. Alas!! Nothing of that sort is going to happen in next decade, or in century. However, I am still trying to make it look some way better, where I can fit myself into a pair of jeans, short skirts, dresses, backless top, Pam-tops, evening gowns and even more unseen-unheard dresses.  

For those achievable - unachievable dreams, here is what I am doing since last 6 months (Oh! Gosh, its 6 months already, when I wrote this post on "My Stupendous Salvation, I had passed only 2.5 months); I am following a diet plan suggested by my Nutritionist and on and off gym routine. Why on and off? That part of the story some day later. FYI, I was in between places of residents in March, when I wrote this post. Now-a-days, I am also on On-and-Off gym routine, because, Laziness has no substitute than Laziness itself and other zillions of excuses of not doing something extremely important.
(See, I know, its very imperative. Still, I am not putting any extra efforts. Lazy me.. huuff!! huufff!!)

Being a foodie, I cannot aloof myself from food totally, so I am creating distances from anything in my life that is habitual, flavorsome, mouthwatering, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, juicy, succulent. I would rather replace food with YOGA, morning walks, night talks, alcohol or ……… shopping, writing blogs for that matter…or whatever fills that void. Oh! No Alcohol, way too much for an obese person. Now, please don’t give this looks that I drink? Please. ( I am still not be able to replace them with Yoga, Morning walks, however, I did cut-down my alcohol intakes.) ;)

Apart from worrying about the psychological implications of my new behavior, I am beginning to wonder if that one noodle samosa in office (alas! no noodle samosa now, its more of paneer puff roll, bread roll and Tropicana Green Apple), that Raj Kachori in Haldiram (No Raj Kachori with him now, more of Pizza treats), eating aloo in dosa or eating small chunks of sweets is causing my weight loss to slow down or not. I guess, I will find out, what happens when I stop eating them with Odyssey, (Bro and S Ji had left VM), HIM (he is not in Ggn anymore) and PC.

I don’t know, how much I will succeed and how far, I will go. However, so far, here is what I am hearing from some friends, relatives, mum-dad, and HIM, “You lose some weight!” I smiled in that “Oh Puhlease!” way I said “Oh yeah, that” *rolls eyes* “I’ve lost some since I last saw you I think.” *BIG SMILE hiding the very emotion “What! Yeah, of course, can’t you see the efforts, they are very much visible* Wait a minute, they will not stop here, it comes like an add-on thing, U NEED TO DO MORE, and, I take a deep breath, sigh, smile and say “Sure. Will do. Thank you for noticing :)”

Trust me guys, it’s not that easy for me, as it sounds. You need to really work hard to curb your hunger for good food, taste, aromas flying in the air, food blogs of different people on earth, and much more. You, XS, S, M and even L people won’t understand the mental and physical state of XXL or even worse, XXXL people. Gosh!!! Nobody can understand a fat person’s love for food. I am foodie and will always be. It’s just that, the urge of getting married to a right person has made me to come at this point, where I can do anything (anything means getting away from FOOD for sometime) to spend my life with HIM.

Not-so-super-obese is signing off with this note and dream in her eyes, that one day, she will be wearing one of the best dresses on Earth and holding his hand on an aisle (not necessarily a marriage one) but on an aisle, where, all the eyes are turning on her already.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Prologue


My dad used to tell me one thing that every time, if anyone serves me anything to eat, then I should turn my head to the right direction and then turn in to left. And, I have started turning it upside-down and the result is in front of your eyes.  Because of the result, this blog comes into the picture.

It’s been almost two months that I have decided this new template for my new blog. Why did I take so long to write my first post? The answer is; laziness has no substitutes or whatever it is. 

I can give zillion of reasons for not writing the first post; let’s not
talk about it now. I started writing the prologue on May 12th 2011, that day, one of my good pal in Videocon was leaving office. Quoting him, he says, “Life is beyond Fatness, Madam.

I too, a secret-firm believer of this quote that life is beyond hell lot of things, which we think, at certain points are the most imperative things in our life. 

Keeping this very thought in a corner of my head, I am continuing this blog. Why? The first and foremost point is, that I want to share my best practices to lose weight, deviations, hard-work, gym-sessions, eating pizza at office and taking my diet very seriously and not-so-seriously, and what not. 

Oh!! Actually, they are also not those valid reasons; I usually use to escape from certain situations. Alas! This is my blog and I should at least be loyal to my very own thing. Right!

So, here is the TAKE, this blog will witness all the REAL reasons (please, focus on REAL) of why I am on this weight lose regime, what and how it all started.  

I will not talk in Pounds here, because, firstly, I really cannot do the calculations from KGS to Pounds. I am an Indian and will always say KMs than Miles, KGs than Pounds, and Rupees than Dollars. From the last time, I visited my Dietician, (Oh!! Yes, I am consulting a dietician, and now, you must be thinking, why a dietician? Just avoid anything, that is Oily and Sweet. Or say ‘No’ to Oily, Sweet and Over-Eating. Walk twice a day and you will as fit as a fiddle.) 

Remember, I am OBESE, not just over-weight and at the top of it, I am super-lazy too. I need somebody on my head, giving me directions, proper diet-plans before starving me to death and somebody, to whom, I would like to follow. Does this satisfy your fickle mind?

The first post will be my already written “An Inch Loss”, which would make more sense here than on myownstupendoussalvation. I won’t be revealing my real weight for some obvious reason; however, I shall let you know the progress of every week. 

Follow the blog, for more roller-coaster experiences, experience, with which you can relate, you can have a good laugh, can feel extremely pity on my situation, say those –Oooo!!, Aaahh!! Ouch! And Awww!! Moments and lastly, just be there and witness my experiences and all the not-so hard-work, I am putting in. 

Your ‘Now’ not-so super obese friend,